Strategy for Communications and Strategic Engagements
Stratégie de communication et d’engagements stratégiques
The purpose of the WOSM Strategy for Communications and Strategic Engagements is to support the achievement of the Strategy for Scouting, including Vision 2023. Consequently, the focus of WOSM Communications and Strategic Engagements (CSE) activities is to build the recognition and brand of Scouting as a global Movement, rather than WOSM as an organisation.
The Strategy provides a consistent framework for the World Organization, including World and Regional levels as well as National Scout Organizations, in terms of objectives, brand, and core messages.
La Stratégie de communication et d’engagements stratégiques (Stratégie CES) est maintenant disponible. Si vous avez des questions concernant la Stratégie, veuillez contacter Dong-Wook Lee, Directeur Global, Communication et Relations Extérieures, à l’adresse :