Them ’n Us - A toolkit on diversity in Scouting

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By: National Scout Organization

In order to illustrate ethnic diversity, this book includes perspectives on ethnicity, religion, culture, Scout culture and outdoor life. It is an addition to literature already existing on diversity but excludes issues like sexuality, functional impairment, social diversity and gender equality. This book presents some facts on various cultures and religions. It is good to know facts but nevertheless we advise you not to take these facts for granted. People are different – we are individuals first and foremost.

What group we belong to comes second. You will find many activities aimed at dealing with diversity in this book. They exist nowhere else in this form. They have been inspired by a multitude of sources, mixed with our experience. All activities suggest a certain number of participants, a certain age group and a suitable time-frame. There will be variations, of course, depending on how mature your Scouts are and how keen they are to participate. Only you know how your Scouts function. Discussion after the activity is vital since without it the activity will have been only one more game. You can allow silly play but have serious discussions afterwards. Many of the suggested activities require a feeling of security in the group and good leadership. This is why I think they are suited to Scouting where our focus is on the group in order to create a feeling of security, and on leadership as well.

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