World Scouting–UNESCO World Heritage Recognition: Patrimonito Programme Guidelines
Reconnaissance du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO et du Scoutisme Mondial - directives du programme
Movimiento Scout–UNESCO: Reconocimiento de Patrimonio Mundial - guías del programa
Scouts worldwide are committed to their promise to fulfil their duty to create a better world, as the founder of the Scout Movement, Baden-Powell said in his last message in 1941, "Leave this world a little better than you found it". Creating a better world is not only a slogan and vision for Scouts, but also a way of life and a value they live. Throughout the history of humankind, human beings have identified themselves with their culture and heritage, which give them a sense of pride. To a certain extent, our cultural heritage mirrors our national unity. Therefore, the preservation of heritage properties is an important undertaking, as it helps in understanding the story of a race. Heritage includes both the tangibles (monument, landmarks, places, etc.) and the intangibles (stories, dances, food, etc.). The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have acknowledged the importance of World Heritage and the need to work together to protect it.
Les scouts du monde entier tiennent leur promesse de remplir leur devoir de créer un monde meilleur, comme l'a dit le fondateur du mouvement scout, Baden-Powell, dans son dernier message en 1941, "Laissez ce monde un peu meilleur que vous ne l'avez trouvé". Créer un monde meilleur n'est pas seulement un slogan et une vision pour les scouts, mais aussi un mode de vie et une valeur qu'ils vivent.
Los Scouts de todo el mundo están comprometidos con su promesa de cumplir con su deber de crear un mundo mejor, como dijo el fundador del Movimiento Scout, Baden-Powell, en su último mensaje en 1941: "Deja este mundo un poco mejor de lo que lo encontraste". Crear un mundo mejor no es solo un lema y una visión para los Scouts, sino también una forma de vida y un valor que viven.