Scouts of the World Award Guidelines (3rd edition)

Lignes directrices pour le programme Brevet Scouts du Monde

Guía de Programa Educativo Reconocimiento Scouts del Mundo

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By: Global Support Centre

The Scouts of the World Award is an initiative to help National Scout Organisations revitalise the programme of Senior Sections (15-26 age range) by giving young people more opportunities to face the challenges of the future as identified by the Millennium Declaration unanimously adopted by the 189 member countries of the United Nations in 2000:

Peace, security and disarmament;
Development and the eradication of poverty;
The protection of our common environment.
It is proposed to young people from 15 to 26 years old, Scouts (Senior-Scouts and Rover sections) or non-Scouts, willing to contribute to make the world a better place. It should help to improve the programme of the senior sections (over 15). This is why National Scout Organisations are invited to integrate the Scouts of the World Award within the programme of their Senior-Scout or Rover sections.

The Scouts of the World Award has been developed in the framework of the Strategic priorities “Youth Involvement” and “Adolescents” approved by the World Scout Conference in Thessaloniki 2002.

This Guidelines comprises a number of very simple and concrete sections covering the following topics:

Scouts of the World in brief
How to implement the SW Award
Propose the SW Award to all young people
How to develop the SW Partnership
How to set up a SW Base
How to organise and evaluate a SW Voluntary Service
How to deliver the SW Award
How to develop the SW Network
The SW Discovery
SW Visual Guidelines

Ce livre donne des indications/ pistes pour aider les Organisations scoutes nationales à utiliser le Brevet SDM comme un élément du programme de la branche aînée, ouvert à tous les jeunes qu’ils soient membres ou non du Mouvement scout. La production de cette publication a été possible grâce au travail de Dominique Bénard et Andrés Morales du Bureau Mondial du Scoutisme, avec l’aide et le soutien de : Hakki Camur, Matt Franzke, Claire Petithomme, Daniela Rivera, Mark Shepheard, le Centre Scout International de Kandersteg et les participants aux WONDERforums.

Este documento tiene como fi n ayudar a las Organizaciones Scouts Nacionales a implementar el Reconocimiento Scouts del Mundo en el programa de la sección mayor, y de esta manera ofrecer dicho reconocimiento internacional a todos los jóvenes adultos, miembros o no-miembros del Movimiento Scout. Esta publicación es posible gracias al trabajo de Dominique Bénard y Andrés Morales de la Ofi cina Scout Mundial, con la ayuda y apoyo de: Hakki Camur, Matt Franzke, Claire Petithomme, Daniela Rivera, Mark Shepheard, el Centro Internacional Scout Kandersteg y participantes en WONDERforums.

Scouts of the World Award
WOSM Resources
Better World Framework

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