Mid-term Review Report - April 2016

Rapport d'activité à mi-mandat - Avril 2016

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By: Global Support Centre

The 2014-2017 Triennial Plan set out ambitious targets. Mid-way through the triennium, we see progress achieved in many areas:

World Programmes are promoted and well received among NSOs with a special success achieved during the World Scout Jamboree with the Better World Tent,
We are preparing a toolkit for NSOs for measuring their social impact,
The Communications and External Relations strategy is under development /ili: We have had a successful representation of WOSM at COP21,
We have had more than 27% of NSOs benchmarked agains the WOSM best practices standard (GSAT).

Find out more about the work completed so far in the full report!

Examen des progrès réalisés à ce jour dans la mise en oeuvre de notre Plan Triennal 2014-2017.

External Relations
Good Governance
WOSM Resources

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