Route to Excellence: towards the development of National Scout Organizations.

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By: Interamerica Support Centre

Route to Excellence is a system for promoting and facilitating evaluation and planning in National Scout Organizations, based on a set of development indicators that have been extensively analysed by the IDN and were formally approved by the Interamerican Scout Conference held in Quito, Ecuador, in November 2007.

It is a common system for the Region’s NSOs that will enable us to design better national development strategies and better strategies of regional support for the associations.

All national committees and teams are invited to start using the “Route to Excellence” documents and to contact the Regional Office —through José Gabriel Criollo ( — to receive direct advice and support from the Region, share national experiences and results and take advantage of the experiences of other associations that are already using the system.

All the documentation is available digitally in English and Spanish.

Don’t let your Association fall behind on this Route!

Monitoring and Evaluation
Strategic Planning
WOSM Resources
Good Governance

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