Overview of Adults in Scouting

Curso: Generalidades de Adultos en el Movimiento Scout

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By: Interamerica Support Centre

Considering we all adults are subject to Adults in Scouting Policy, the World Scout Bureau consider important that every Adult in Scouting known about the Policy and its components for a good understanding and application.

In this online course, you will find the most important elements and concepts of Adults in Scouting Policy and Adult Management Model in a practical and simple way. This will act as a base to continue a training process in your National Scout Organization (NSO) or to activately participate in each one of the processes in the Cycle of Life of your role inside the NSO. Once you training is complete, you will be able to download this course certification.

eLearning Code: IAR-AM-EN

En este curso en línea podrás encontrar de una manera práctica y sencilla los elementos y conceptos más relevantes de la Política de Adultos en el Movimiento y del Modelo de Gestión de Adultos. Te servirán como base para continuar con tu proceso de formación en tu Organización Scout Nacional (OSN) o para participar activamente de cada uno de los procesos que hacen parte de tu Ciclo de Vida en el rol que tengas dentro de tu OSN.

Cód. eLearning: IAR-AM-ES

Adults in Scouting
WOSM Resources
Adults in Scouting

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