Empower yourself! A self-assessment tool of acquired skills

Valorise-toi! Outil d’autoévaluation des compétences acquises dans le cadre d’un bénévolat Scouts et Guides de FranceOutil d’autoévaluation des compétences acquises dans le cadre d’un bénévolat Scouts et Guides de France

¡Valorízate! Una herramienta de autoevaluación de las habilidades adquiridas como voluntario Scout en ‘Scouts et Guides de France’

Valoriza-te! Ferramenta de autoavaliação de competências adquiridas no quadro de voluntariado dos Escuteiros e Guias de França

Zhodnoť svékompetence!

Proceni svoje sposobnosti!Alat za samoprocenu stečenih veština u okviru volonterskog rada u izviđačkoj organizaciji

Værdsæt dine KOMPETENCER! Brugermanual

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By: Europe Support Centre

How to translate your Scouting skills to the language of employers? Have you ever thought about what skills you are developing as a volunteer in Scouting? Did you experience a job interview where a potential employer asked you about your experience acquired outside of school? Did you try to make a match between official requirements for a job and your volunteer experience? French Scouts and Guides did It aims at helping you to realize how good you are in different situations encountered in Scouting environment and how to translate this experience into the language of employers, thus enabling you to increase your chances on the labour market The Volunteering Working Group of the European Scout Region is ready to promote the Empower yourself! tool during various events. Why not to try it yourself or to organize a workshop in your association? So far English, Czech and Spanish translations are in use and others in preparation. After the permission of Scouts et Guides de France (see the contact in the workshop description above) you can even use the same layout, in InDesign program, prepared by Czech scouts. Good luck in self-discoveries and with the job interviews!

Mets en lumière tes compétences scoutes, valorise-les
dans le domaine professionnel ou dans tes études !
Valorise-toi !

¡Destaca tus habilidades Scout y dales el valor que merecen en tu carrera profesional o académica! ¡Revalorízate!

Põe em evidência as tuas competências escutistas, valoriza-as no dominio pro ssional ou nos teus estudos! Valoriza-te!

Tento sebeevaluační nástroj slouží k samostatnému vyhodnocení vašich kompetencí coby pracovníků s dětmi a mládeží,
jak jste je získali prostřednictvím vzdělávacích seminářů svých
organizací, ale i praxí.

Sagledaj svoje izviđačke veštine i vrednuj ih
u profesionalnom smislu ili u odnosu na svoje
obrazovanje! Proceni svoje sposobnosti!

Til sidst sætter vi nogle ord på dine kompetencer, så du er i stand til
at bruge dine spejder erfaringer i forbindelse med dit professionelle

Skills for life
NSO Best Practices
Adults in Scouting

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